Dámák Diadalma


Books & Reference


The Dámák Diadalma Virtual Exhibition Guide application helps visitors discover the exhibition opened in the renovated Dorottya Ház in Kaposvár.Our aim is to use your help to make the exhibition even more colorful and interesting and, through this, to provide as much information as possible about the protagonists of the exhibition, the 7 heroines and the historical eras surrounding them, in an experiential form.The application can be downloaded for both Android and iOS devices by scanning the QR code on the poster at the entrance of the exhibition.Each visitor can walk through the individual exhibition halls at their own pace, spend as much time as they like at the information points or return to the art treasures that interest them.Separate content has been created for adults and children. The content is available in 3 languages ​​(Hungarian, English and German). It is possible to select the language and age group on the main page of the application.Both age groups can easily access the text and audio content of the Information points presenting the heroines and art treasures by entering the menu of the exhibition guide or by selecting the location on the internal map of the exhibition.The audio content can be started with the "Play narration" button and listened to using headphones. For a 100% experience and to avoid disturbing other visitors, we recommend using headphones. If you approve, the application will automatically display the content related to the given point with the help of beacons placed near the exhibits.At the end of the guided tour, you can recall the moments of the exhibition by answering the questions of the quiz game. In exchange for correct answers, the visitor can return home with a virtual certificate.